Saturday September 21st, 2024!

Join us on Saturday September 21, 2024 for the seventh annual installment of JFC Day! The day brings together supporters, those just learning about JFC, vendors and customers to to celebrate the gifts JFC gives to our partners and the donations the support of the jewelry community.

We have a participation guide available to help you plan your activities, along with logos, social media posts, counter card, sample press release and more for your use. Don’t see what you need? JFC can create custom collateral or add your logo as needed. Request help using our JFC Registration Form here.

Where should we start?

Download the participation guide below, fill out the participation form and see how JFC can work with you.

How can we promote JFC Day?

Whatever you decide to do on JFC Day, make sure you let people know!

Remember, we can customize anything. Fill out the form here to let us know what you need!